On June 24, 2024, the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published a notice (89 FR 52434) prohibiting Kaspersky Lab, Inc. (a U.S. company) and other Kaspersky companies from providing certain cybersecurity and anti-virus products and services to U.S. persons.

According to BIS:

Kaspersky's products and services pose an unacceptable risk to United States national security and the security and safety of U.S. persons, and an undue risk of subversion of, or sabotage to, the integrity and operation of Information and Communications Technology and Services (ICTS) in the United States. In particular, there is a significant risk of harm to the integrity and operation of ICTS and the ICTS supply chain in the United States.

BIS also published a press release on June 20.  Additional details, including timelines for sales and update restrictions can be found on the BIS web page on the Kaspersky Lab, Inc. prohibition.

Kaspersky entities in Russia and the United Kingdom are included on the Commerce Department's Entity List.